Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science head Anantha Chandrakasan appointed to Institute-wide professorship.

Anantha P. Chandrakasan has been appointed to the Vannevar Bush Professorship, effective Nov. 1, Dean of Engineering Ian A. Waitz has announced. The Vannevar Bush Professorship is an Institute-wide professorship established in 1982 as a memorial to one of the most outstanding scientists and engineers of the 20th century, who was also MIT’s first dean of the School of Engineering. Previous chair holders include Gerald L. Wilson, Subra Suresh, and Ronald L. Rivest.

“Professor Chandrakasan is an exceptionally talented leader, scholar, innovator, and educator,” Waitz wrote in an email announcing the appointment. “As Department Head in EECS he has led the implementation of many initiatives, several of which — including Start6 and SuperUROP — have been adopted across the School [of Engineering].”

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